El Centro de Libertad


The latest from El Centro de Libertad and our impact on the community.

News From El Centro; Fall 2018

I read somewhere that The old order changeth yielding place to the new….

Nothing remains constant, no matter how grand it has been. But a new world always rises again and is always as captivating as the old world. I would say the same has always been true about El Centro de Libertad.

While the spirit of “Recovery with Dignity” remains the foundation of all that we do, everyone else and, with one exception, everything else has yielded to the new. The one exception is the original value, the original order; nobody will be refused service because of inability to pay. We hold true to this.

Yet the agency that was originally a twinkle in the eyes of George and Jan Borg in 1994 continues to follow its own life’s journey, changing just a little bit with every breath in and out. Even George moved on these three years past.

Now twenty-four years later El Centro still offers programs that break the cycle of alcohol and other drugs, but some subtle changes have become noticeable:

Management: The agency is provided stability through the presence of an empowered Management Team consisting of Administration Manager, Finance & Contracts Manager, Program Manager, and Clinical Supervisor.

Prevention Education Program: An education model unique to El Centro, the Prevention Education Program is now led by our Prevention Education Team (yes, we do call them PETS) who are currently providing youth in four schools in San Mateo County with weekly substance use education, hopefully before treatment becomes necessary for them.

Rural Programming: Our presence in Coastside communities has been revitalized and is growing. This year we had a Grand Opening in our new facility in Half Moon Bay, then we received the first-ever grant from the City of Half Moon Bay. In addition to our standard fare, enhanced outreach efforts to serve the farmworker community are in place.

Board of Directors: We are always interested in meeting with individuals who have board leadership skills and experience, and are pleased to welcome Ms. Waynette Brock as our newest board member!

Yes, the old order changeth. How long has it been since yesterday anyway? It seems like a blink of an eye, yet so much has happened. What about tomorrow?

So, here we are. All of a sudden, we are the “new”.

For now.

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